This week's travel takes us to Russia, inspired by my wonderful and animated friend Xenia, who I've known for years. She always travels back to Russia for a few months with her family and I was always excited to hear about her adventures or curious to see what she brought back. Once she gave me some linden tea leaves (which are btw great for soothing your throat and for relaxation) which has been a lifesaver during my bouts with the cold, dry winter air. Or maybe it was the super cute Matryoshka tea set she had placed on display in her lovely new home (wish i could find the picture! :/)
Inspiration for this piece includes the colorful and whimsical St Basils Cathedral, Matryoshka dolls and the national flower, Chamomile. I've always wanted to visit Russia, especially in the winter, while snow is falling (I know brrrrrrr).
Where should we go next week? I'm thinking somewhere warmer....hmm